Sunday, April 10, 2011

Teagans Birthday.. Warning LOTS of Pics

Teagan Turned Three on Saturday! I cant believe my little boy is three. He is such a sweet kid! We love him so much! We talked about what kind of birthday he wanted and he decided on Cars. So i thought it would be fun to do a little drive in movie. With cardboard box cars, and a movie projected on the Wall.Of course the Feature Presentaion was Disneys "Cars". Too bad the second one hasnt come out yet. That would have been perfect! Originally i had only planned on doing a Lightning MaQueen Car for Teagan and then having the parents help with their kids car and provide lights and wheels to decorate but after i did the Lightning and Miss Sally Car i thought it would be fun to do the whole cars crew.. It was time consuming but alot of fun. So We has Teagan as Lightning, Madeline as Miss Sally, Boston as Mader, Knox as Ramon, and Mason as Snot Rod. The Cars were a Hit. The kids seemed to really like them. I had cut out part of he bottom so they could stand up and hold them on with the straps, and had planned on having races out side but it was POURING rain. It was perfect though! All the kids got to take their cars home so they can race them at home.

Madeline would rather be "on" than "in" :) the car.
Mason in Snot Rod
Teagan and Johnathan in Lightning
The Crew
He was so excited about this Spiderman motercycle. He has slept with it every night since.
He loved ALL his Presents!

She was having some help :)
PopCorn for the Movie

The cake actually tasted really good.

Just finished Blowing out the Candels
We sang Happy Birthday to each of them
He wasnt the winner :(
Puzzel Races

Our team didnt win :)
Abbie and the Birthday Kids

They loved the Birthday Hats
So Cute!
She kept scooting herself under the chair
Funny Kid
Little girls got some crazy hair

Madelines Side of the Cake
Teagns Side of the Cake
Pin the Wheels on McQueen

Mater, Snotrod, Lightning,Ramon(Low and Slow Baby-what Teagan called him) and Miss Sally
Heidi Mason and Lakin were nice enough to come down from PA for Teagans Birthday! We had So much fun with them! We always love spending time with them!


Patrick and Michelle Hinckley said...

STEPH!!!! that is SUCH a cute Birthday! I can't beleive he is THREE!!! you are such an awesome mommy!! Love you guys!

Stephanie and Moana Haretuku said...

Thanks Michelle! i cant believe hes three either! Time is Flying by!

Jake and Em said...

I am seriously so impressed!!! I can't believe everything you made!! The cars are the coolest!!! looking forward to our next get-together, hopefully soon!