So it's been a great few months since we've been here in MD and I'd have to say that it's been something to definitely smile about. Things and people are so different here, but its great. We've definitely had to become more rough around the edges and at times pretty dang BLUNT to get accross to some people here. Our family is still continuing to grow and be happy. Teagan can repeat almost everything we say and has been talking up a storm lately. Stephanie, my hotter than hot wife, has been acting like a track star lately by running 3 miles every other day of the week and the other day she ran 6 miles!!! I was never the type to run for fun or for free. I like to run when i'm doing something competitive. Anyhow, I am taking up Church Ball again and am rounding up the boys to play every thursday night! Gotta keep up with this hottie wife of mine. Oh yeah, so this gorgeous little girl Aaliyah has been smiling so big lately but for some reason I never have my phone/camera ready when she does :( I'll get her one of these days.
Work has been Busy Busy Busy lately especially since we lost our secretary the other day :( It's all for the better though. We just acquired 17 more units last week to manage and more are still comin in. BJ has been signing leases, paying bills, keeping owners happy and taking care of all our maintenance as well. Things are moving right along as scheduled and it looks like we'll be growing at a steady pace from here on out.
Dill Pickle Dip
2 days ago
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