HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all the Mothers out there. I hope your was good. First i would like to start off by thanking my Mother for everything she has done for me. She has always been the greatest example to me and i love her so much! Second i would like to thank my Mother-in law for raising such an AWESOME MAN that i married! I just love him so much and am so grateful for how he turned out! And Third Want everyone to know how grateful i am to be a Mother. I have the Best Cutest Kids EVER ( i know i am bias but still ) I Love every moment i get to spend with them. It is such a blessing to have them in my life and i am so grateful that Heavenly Father has Blessed me with such sweet little spirits.
Mothers Day was such a Beautiful Day. The weather was perfect! We got up and got dressed for church and then drove down to DC So my husband could show a house. The kids and i had Breakfast in the car while we waited for Moana to finish. Then we Stopped by a house that we may move into, Looked around for a while and played in the yard ( it has an AWESOME yard, which is hard to find out here). Then we Drove back home and went to church. Church was SO GREAT! Since it was mothers day all the men took over the mothers responsibilities so we could go to Relief Society. I am in the Primary Presidency so i NEVER get to go. It was so nice to be able to pay attention and feel Spiritually Fed Since normally i am wrestling Children and don't get to pay attention. Then we came home took some pictures and Moana did some Whirl Wind Cleaning ( Cleans Super fast! ) and then made me an Awesome dinner. Steaks potatoes and carrots, and Some really good bread. Then he did the dishes all by himself! Food tastes SO much better to me when you don't have to make it or clean it up.! And that was my Mothers Day!
Dill Pickle Dip
2 days ago
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